@unpublished{eprints1019, month = {May}, note = {The meeting is jointly organised by Microsoft Research Cambridge and HP Labs Bristol}, year = {2008}, title = {Architectural design rewriting as an architecture description language}, booktitle = {The Rise and Rise of the Declarative Datacentre - Research Meeting}, author = {Roberto Bruni and Alberto Lluch-Lafuente and Ugo Montanari and Emilio Tuosto}, url = {http://eprints.imtlucca.it/1019/}, abstract = {Architectural Design Rewriting (ADR) is a declarative rule-based approach for the design of dynamic software architectures. The key features that make ADR a suitable and expressive framework are the algebraic presentation of graph-based structures and the use of conditional rewrite rules. These features enable the modelling of, e.g. hierarchical design, inductively defined reconfigurations and ordinary computation. Here, we promote ADR as an Architectural Description Language.} }