%P 155-168 %I Eneida %D 2010 %N 15 %A Maria Elena Cavallaro %A Abd?n Mateos L?pez %L eprints106 %J Historia del presente %T El uso p?blico comparado del antifascismo y del antifranquismo en Italia y en Espa?a %X This article proposes a comparison between antifascist movement in Italy and the antifrancoist one in Spain and in particular it refers to the heritage both movements left as a legacy in the building of the democratic system in the two countries during their transition to democracy in the late Forties and in the late Seventies. The article came from a round table we held within the activities sponsored by the Escuela de Historia y Arquelogia in Rome and UNED university and with several collegues coming from different Spanish and Italian universities.