@article{eprints1078, publisher = {IOPscience}, number = {02}, pages = {P02046}, journal = {Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment}, title = {Invasion percolation and the time scaling behavior of a queuing model of human dynamics}, author = {Andrea Gabrielli and Guido Caldarelli}, year = {2009}, volume = {2009}, url = {http://eprints.imtlucca.it/1078/}, abstract = {In this paper we study the properties of the Barab{\'a}si model of queuing under the hypothesis that the number of tasks is steadily growing in time. We map this model exactly onto an invasion percolation dynamics on a Cayley tree. This allows us to recover the correct waiting time distribution PW({\ensuremath{\tau}}){\texttt{\char126}}{\ensuremath{\tau}}?3/2 at the stationary state (as observed in different realistic data) and also to characterize it as a sequence of causally and geometrically connected bursts of activity. We also find that the approach to stationarity is very slow.}, keywords = {diffusion; percolation problems (theory); growth processes; stochastic processes (theory)} }