@article{eprints1092, journal = {The European Physical Journal B}, number = {3-4}, title = {A self-organized model for network evolution}, year = {2008}, pages = {585--591}, volume = {64}, author = {Guido Caldarelli and Andrea Capocci and Diego Garlaschelli}, abstract = {Here we provide a detailed analysis, along with some extensions and additonal investigations, of a recently proposed [1] self-organized model for the evolution of complex networks. Vertices of the network are characterized by a fitness variable evolving through an extremal dynamics process, as in the Bak-Sneppen [2] model representing a prototype of Self-Organized Criticality. The network topology is in turn shaped by the fitness variable itself, as in the fitness network model [3]. The system self-organizes to a nontrivial state, characterized by a power-law decay of dynamical and topological quantities above a critical threshold. The interplay between topology and dynamics in the system is the key ingredient leading to an unexpected behaviour of these quantities. }, keywords = {PACS: 89.75.Hc Networks and genealogical trees - 05.65.+b Self-organized systems }, url = {http://eprints.imtlucca.it/1092/} }