@article{eprints1137, author = {Guido Caldarelli and Andrea Capocci and Paolo De Los Rios and Miguel A. Mu{\~n}oz}, year = {2002}, volume = {89}, title = {Scale-Free networks from varying vertex intrinsic fitness}, note = {{\copyright} 2002 American Physical Society}, number = {25}, journal = {Physical Review Letters}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, month = {December}, url = {http://eprints.imtlucca.it/1137/}, keywords = {PACS: 89.75.Hc, 89.75.Da }, abstract = {A new mechanism leading to scale-free networks is proposed in this Letter. It is shown that, in many cases of interest, the connectivity power-law behavior is neither related to dynamical properties nor to preferential attachment. Assigning a quenched fitness value xi to every vertex, and drawing links among vertices with a probability depending on the fitnesses of the two involved sites, gives rise to what we call a good-get-richer mechanism, in which sites with larger fitness are more likely to become hubs (i.e., to be highly connected).} }