%B Proceedings of ACM Symposium in Applied Computing (SAC ?10) %E Sung Y. Shin %E Sascha Ossowski %E Michael Schumacher %E Mathew J. Palakal %E Cheng Hung %O Categories and Subject Descriptors I.5.1 [PATTERN RECOGNITION]: Models|Fuzzy Set General Terms: Design, Measurement, Performance %X Service composition concerns both integration of heterogeneous distributed applications and dynamic selection of services. QoS-aware selection enables a service requester with certain QoS requirements to classify services according to their QoS guarantees. In this paper we present a method that allows for a fuzzy-valued description of QoS parameters. Fuzzy sets are suited to specify both the QoS preferences raised by a service requester such as 'response time must be as lower as possible and cannot be more that 1000ms' and approximate estimates a provider can make on the QoS capabilities of its services like 'availability is roughly between 95% and 99%'. We propose a matchmaking procedure based on a fuzzy-valued similarity measure that, given the specifications of QoS parameters of the requester and the providers, selects the most appropriate service among several functionally-equivalent ones. We also devise a method for dynamical update of service offers by means of runtime monitoring of the actual QoS performance. %I ACM Press %K Service Selection, Fuzzy Matchmaking, QoS Monitoring %T Adaptive Fuzzy-valued Service Selection %P 2467-2471 %L eprints116 %A Davide Bacciu %A Maria Grazia Buscemi %A Lusine Mkrtchyan %D 2010 %C Sierre, Switzerland %R acmid: 1774598