%X In this paper we show that the Internet web, from a user's perspective, manifests robust scaling properties of the type P(n) propto n??, where n is the size of the basin connected to a given point, P represents the density of probability of finding n points downhill and ? = 1.9 ? 0.1 s a characteristic universal exponent. This scale-free structure is a result of the spontaneous growth of the web, but is not necessarily the optimal one for efficient transport. We introduce an appropriate figure of merit and suggest that a planning of few big links, acting as information highways, may noticeably increase the efficiency of the net without affecting its robustness. %I IOPscience %K PACS: 92.40.Fb Rivers, runoff, and streamflow; 05.10.-a Computational methods in statistical physics and nonlinear dynamics; %P 386-391 %T The fractal properties of Internet %V 52 %L eprints1164 %N 4 %A Guido Caldarelli %A Riccardo Marchetti %A Luciano Pietronero %J EPL (Europhysics Letters) %D 2000 %R 10.1209/epl/i2000-00450-8