%X We propose a program specialization technique for locally stratified CLP(ℤ) programs, that is, logic programs with linear constraints over the set ℤ of the integer numbers. For reasons of efficiency our technique makes use of a relaxation from integers to reals. We reformulate the familiar unfold/fold transformation rules for CLP programs so that: (i) the applicability conditions of the rules are based on the satisfiability or entailment of constraints over the set ℝ of the real numbers, and (ii) every application of the rules transforms a given program into a new program with the same perfect model constructed over ℤ. Then, we introduce a strategy which applies the transformation rules for specializing CLP(ℤ) programs with respect to a given query. Finally, we show that our specialization strategy can be applied for verifying properties of infinite state reactive systems specified by constraints over ℤ. %N 7225 %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %P 106-122 %R 10.1007/978-3-642-32211-2_8 %I Springer-Verlag %O 21st International Symposium, LOPSTR 2011, Odense, Denmark, July 18-20, 2011. Revised Selected Papers %D 2012 %B Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation %L eprints1343 %A Fabio Fioravanti %A Alberto Pettorossi %A Maurizio Proietti %A Valerio Senni %T Using Real Relaxations during Program Specialization