@inproceedings{eprints1376, author = {Valerio Senni and Alberto Pettorossi and Maurizio Proietti}, booktitle = {CILC08, 23-esimo Convegno Italiano di Logica Computazionale }, title = {Folding Transformation Rules for Constraint Logic Programs}, year = {2008}, pages = {1--22}, abstract = {We consider the folding transformation rule for constraint logic programs. We propose an algorithm for applying the folding rule in the case where the constraints are linear equations and inequations over the rational or the real numbers. Basically, our algorithm consists in reducing a rule application to the solution of one or more systems of linear equations and inequations. We also introduce two variants of the folding transformation rule. The first variant combines the folding rule with the clause splitting rule, and the second variant eliminates the existential variables of a clause, that is, those variables which occur in the body of the clause and not in its head. Finally, we present the algorithms for applying these variants of the folding rule.}, url = {http://eprints.imtlucca.it/1376/} }