%S Testimonianze fra cronaca e storia - Per non dimenticare %V 5 %A Fiammetta Balestracci %L eprints1390 %I Mursia %X The exercise of the violence during the 20. Century knows an exceptional development and differentiation, so that the concept of the violence can be utilized as a category for interpreting the entire history of the century and its relation with the Modernity. The case of the Nazi-Fascist Occupation of Italy can be collocated in this History. A particular place has in this contest the practice of the military operations finalized to the deportation into the concentration and elimination camps. In this essay the Author analysis the functioning of the Nazi-Fascist repression system, examining technically all known military operations (130) that ended with the deportation of political or civil citizens. %T Rastrellamenti e deportazione nell'Italia occupata. Saggio sinottico sulle strutture repressive e sulle dinamiche locali %B (edited by N. Tranfaglia and B. Mantelli) Il libro dei deportati