@incollection{eprints1397, author = {Fiammetta Balestracci}, title = {Militanti e vita di base del Pci: il partito delle sezioni 1945-1989}, address = {Torino}, booktitle = {(a cura di B. Maida) Alla ricerca della simmetria : il PCI a Torino, 1945-1991}, pages = {3--62}, year = {2004}, publisher = {Rosenberg \& Sellier}, abstract = {At the centre of this essay about the Turin?s federation of the Italian Communist Party is the life of the base of the party from the particular point of view of the sections, that are the basic organ of the organization. Since 1945 these organs lived a big expansion, that increased exceptionally since 1956, starting from a new conception of the organization of the party, that is finalized to develop a stronger activity into the people, as it is normal for a Popular Party in a phase of de-ideologisation. It is significant that in a traditional communist city as Turin some section had a very intensive power, especially during the 70s and the big growth of the party, so intensive that can exercise a pressure on the government of the city and on the federal ruling group of the party, originating an internal dualism into the party. }, url = {http://eprints.imtlucca.it/1397/} }