@article{eprints151, number = {3}, publisher = {Elsevier}, pages = {45--62}, title = {Hierarchical design rewriting with Maude}, journal = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science}, year = {2009}, volume = {238}, author = {Roberto Bruni and Alberto Lluch-Lafuente and Ugo Montanari}, abstract = {Architectural Design Rewriting (ADR) is a rule-based approach for the design of dynamic software architectures. The key features that make ADR a suitable and expressive framework are the algebraic presentation and the use of conditional rewrite rules. These features enable, e.g. hierarchical (top-down, bottom-up or composition-based) design and inductively-defined reconfigurations. The contribution of this paper is twofold: we define Hierarchical Design Rewriting (HDR) and present our prototypical tool support. HDR is a flavour of ADR that exploits the concept of hierarchical graph to deal with system specifications combining both symbolic and interpreted parts. Our prototypical implementation is based on Maude and its presentation serves several purposes. First, we show that HDR is not only a well-founded formal approach but also a tool-supported framework for the design and analysis of software architectures. Second, our illustration tailored to a particular algebra of designs and a particular scenario traces a general methodology for the reuse and exploitation of ADR concepts in other scenarios. }, keywords = {Maude; Rewriting Logic; SOS; Graphs; Software Architectures}, url = {http://eprints.imtlucca.it/151/} }