@article{eprints1564, journal = {SIGAPP Applied Computing Review}, title = {A tool for rapid development of WS-BPEL applications}, author = {Luca Cesari and Rosario Pugliese and Francesco Tiezzi}, year = {2010}, volume = {11}, publisher = {ACM Press}, number = {1}, pages = {27--40}, url = {http://eprints.imtlucca.it/1564/}, abstract = {WS-BPEL is imposing itself as a standard for orchestration of web services. However, there are still some well-known difficulties that make programming in WS-BPEL a tricky task. In this paper, we present BliteC, a software tool we have developed for supporting a rapid and easy development of WS-BPEL applications. BliteC translates service orches- trations written in Blite, a formal language inspired to but simpler than WS-BPEL, into readily executable WS-BPEL programs. We illustrate our approach by means of a few practical programming examples.}, keywords = {Service-Oriented Computing, Web services, Compilers} }