@techreport{eprints1589, month = {May}, author = {Maurice H. ter Beek and Alberto Lluch-Lafuente and Marinella Petrocchi}, institution = {I}, type = {Working Paper}, title = {Combining Declarative and Procedural Views in the Specification and Analysis of Product Families}, year = {2013}, abstract = {We introduce the feature-oriented language FLan as a proof of concept for specifying both declarative aspects of product families, namely constraints on their features, and procedural aspects, namely design processes and run-time behaviour. FLan is inspired by the con- current constraint programming paradigm. A store of constraints allows one to specify in a declarative way all common constraints on features, including cross-tree constraints as known from feature models. A standard yet rich set of process-algebraic operators allows one to specify in a procedural way the configuration and behaviour of products. There is a close interaction between both views: (i) the execution of a process is constrained by its store to forbid undesired configurations; (ii) a process can query a store to resolve design and behavioural choices; (iii) a process can update the store, for instance to add new features. An implementa- tion in the Maude framework allows for a variety of formal automated analyses of product families specified in FLan, ranging from consistency checking to model checking.}, url = {http://eprints.imtlucca.it/1589/} }