%I American Institute of Physics %X We calculate the mean end-to-end distance R of a self-avoiding polymer encapsulated in an infinitely long cylinder with radius D. A self-consistent perturbation theory is used to calculate R as a function of D for impenetrable hard walls and soft walls. In both cases, R obeys the predicted scaling behavior in the limit of large and small D. The crossover from the three-dimensional behavior (D??) to the fully stretched one-dimensional case (D?0) is nonmonotonic. The minimum value of R is found at D ? 0.46RF, where RF is the Flory radius of R at D??. The results for soft walls map onto the hard wall case with a larger cylinder radius. %P 194907 %T The shape of a flexible polymer in a cylindrical pore %V 122 %A Greg Morrison %A D. Thirumalai %L eprints1813 %N 19 %J Journal of Chemical Physics %R 10.1063/1.1903923 %D 2005