%D 2010 %A Armando Rungi %L eprints1858 %N 10 %I Polinares: EU policy on naturales resources %X Introduction: A modern race to resources is underway to assure that present and future generations can benefit from the availability of a stock necessary for the maintenance of an acceptable level of economic development. In this brief chapter we collect some economic literature that could be of help in understanding the conflict of interest between export and import dependent countries, which are often also polarized between developing and developed countries. We don?t pretend to be exhaustive of all the literature that in the last decades has coped with the issues. Instead we suggest only a few tools to interpret an ever-changing reality that we consider useful for future progress of our research. Given the geographical dispersion of natural resources, we have countries that specializes in trade of natural resources and countries that exchange manufacturing and services for them. A better knowledge of the reciprocal weaknesses of these two groups of countries can avoid the emergence of future conflicts. In particular we have adopted the side of export dependent countries, that are often also underdeveloped, in order to understand the problems that can hinder a worldwide stable and secure supply of natural resources %T From Export Dependency to Dynamic Comparative Advantages %O The project is funded under Socio?economic Sciences & Humanities grant agreement no. 224516