@article{eprints1874, volume = {121?12}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, note = {Proceedings of the Europhysics Conference on Computational Physics \{CCP\} 1998 }, author = {Alessandro Chessa and Alessandro Vespignani and Stefano Zapperi}, publisher = {Elsevier}, number = {0}, pages = {299 -- 302}, title = {Critical exponents in stochastic sandpile models }, year = {1999}, url = {http://eprints.imtlucca.it/1874/}, abstract = {We present large scale simulations of a stochastic sandpile model in two dimensions. We use momentum analysis to evaluate critical exponents and finite size scaling method to consistently test the obtained results. The general picture resulting from our analysis allows us to characterize the large scale behavior of the present model with great accuracy. } }