%T Inspecting the influence of space on a real complex network %L eprints1878 %A Michele Campagna %A Simone Caschili %A Alessandro Chessa %A Andrea De Montis %A Giancarlo Deplano %K Complex networks, Commuting systems, Weighted networks, Spatial networks %X The paradigm of complex network provides the analysts with the opportunity to model real systems by invoking the interaction properties between elements and their topology. Recently, many scholars have applied network analysis when studying socio-economic processes in urban, regional, and environmental planning. Within this realms, complex network theory can be interpreted as an innovative analytical framework for analysing and planning systems characterised by uncertainty and unpredictability. After this introductory remarks, the aim of this paper is to present and comment results obtained by applying complex network analysis to the characterization of topological, traffic and spatial properties of commuters’ systems of insular Italy. %C Urbino, Italy %D 2007