%X A numerical model based on the solution of the normal contact between elastic half-spaces and subsequent post-processing according to the Mindlin and Deresiewicz solution for cyclic tangential loading is presented. Thanks to a recent extension of the Cattaneo-Mindlin analogy to the solution of tangential contact between non-convex domains, the proposed approach enables the study of cyclic micro-slip and energy dissipation between elastic bodies with general shapes in contact. In order to make the procedure straightforward and as general as possible, a non-dimensional formulation, based only on the normal contact load displacement curve, is proposed. The cyclic behaviour of the tangential contact of self-affine fractal surfaces, like those generated by fracture of concrete or rock, is described with several examples. %I Springer %P 333-340 %T Micro-slip of rough surfaces under cyclic tangential loading %B Analysis and Simulation of Contact Problems %D 2006 %S Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics %R 10.1007/3-540-31761-9_37 %N 27 %L eprints1934 %A Mauro Borri Brunetto %A Alberto Carpinteri %A Stefano Invernizzi %A Marco Paggi