@article{eprints2165, journal = {Journal of Applied Electrochemistry}, publisher = {Springer}, number = {11}, title = {Cyclic voltammetry simulation at microelectrode arrays with COMSOL Multiphysics}, volume = {39}, year = {2009}, author = {Alessandro Lavacchi and Ugo Bardi and Claudia Borri and Stefano Caporali and Alessio Fossati and I. Perissi}, pages = {2159--2163}, keywords = {Cyclic voltammetry; Microelectrodes arrays (MEA?s); Finite elements; COMSOL Multiphysics}, abstract = {The present paper reports the results obtained applying the general purpose software COMSOL Multiphysics? to the finite elements simulation of Cyclic Voltammetries (CV?s) at microelectrodes arrays (MEA). CV?s at inlaid micro disk electrode arrays have been simulated benchmarking our results with those obtained by Compton with the finite difference method. Then the influence of meshing on the quality of the simulated data have been investigated showing that bad meshing may provide shapes with no physical meaning. Simulations have also been performed on recessed micro disk arrays in order to show the effect of the depth of the recess on the voltammetric wave shape. We found that COMSOL Multiphysics? provides a flexible and straightforward route to the simulation of electrochemical systems with complex geometry.}, url = {http://eprints.imtlucca.it/2165/} }