@incollection{eprints2206, author = {M. Saponara and V. Barrena and Alberto Bemporad and E. N. Hartley and Jan M. Maciejowski and A. Richards and A. Tramutola and P. Trodden}, volume = {6}, year = {2013}, booktitle = {Progress in Flight Dynamics, Guidance, Navigation, Control, Fault Detection, and Avionics}, title = {Model predictive control application to spacecraft rendezvous in mars sample return scenario}, publisher = {EDP Sciences}, month = {December}, pages = {137--158}, url = {http://eprints.imtlucca.it/2206/}, abstract = {Model Predictive Control (MPC) is an optimization-based control strategy that is considered extremely attractive in the autonomous space rendezvous scenarios. The Online Recon?guration Control System and Avionics Architecture (ORCSAT) study addresses its applicability in Mars Sample Return (MSR) mission, including the implementation of the developed solution in a space representative avionic architecture system. With respect to a classical control solution High-integrity Autonomous RendezVous and Docking control system (HARVD), MPC allows a signi?cant performance improvement both in trajectory and in propellant save. Furthermore, thanks to the online optimization, it allows to identify improvements in other areas (i. e., at mission de?nition level) that could not be known a priori} }