%J International Journal of Control %P 2583-2593 %R doi:10.1080/00207179.2014.935958 %N 12 %X This paper proposes an explicit model predictive control design approach for regulation of linear time-invariant systems subject to both state and control constraints, in the presence of additive disturbances. The proposed control law is implemented as a piecewise-affine function defined on a regular simplicial partition, and has two main positive features. Firstly, the regularity of the simplicial partition allows one to efficiently implement the control law on digital circuits, thus achieving extremely fast computation times. Moreover, the asymptotic stability (or the convergence to a set including the origin) of the closed-loop system can be enforced a-priori, rather than checked a-posteriori via Lyapunov analysis. %K Model predictive control, uncertain systems, piecewise\-affine functions %T Robust explicit model predictive control via regular piecewise-affine approximation %A Matteo Rubagotti %A Davide Barcelli %A Alberto Bemporad %L eprints2224 %D 2014 %I Taylor & Francis %V 87