%P 87-103 %T A process calculus analysis of compensations %O 4th International Symposium, TGC 2008, Barcelona, Spain, November 3-4, 2008, Revised Selected Papers %I Springer %A Luis Caires %A Carla Ferreira %A Hugo Torres Vieira %S Lecture notes in computer science %L eprints2297 %D 2009 %X Conversations in service-oriented computation are frequently long running. In such a setting, traditional ACID properties of transactions cannot be reasonably implemented, and compensation mechanisms seem to provide convenient techniques to, at least, approximate them. In this paper, we investigate the representation and analysis of structured compensating transactions within a process calculus model, by embedding in the Conversation Calculus certain structured compensation programming abstractions inspired by the ones proposed by Butler, Ferreira, and Hoare. We prove the correctness of the embedding after developing a general notion of stateful model for structured compensations and related results, and showing that the embedding induces such a model. %B Trustworthy Global Computing %R 10.1007/978-3-642-00945-7_6 %N 5474