@article{eprints2389, pages = {1--9}, author = {Young-Ho Eom and Klaus M. Frahm and Andr{\'a}s Bencz{\'u}r and Dima L. Shepelyansky}, year = {2013}, volume = {86}, journal = {The European Physical Journal B}, title = {Time evolution of Wikipedia network ranking}, number = {12}, keywords = {Statistical and Nonlinear Physics}, abstract = {We study the time evolution of ranking and spectral properties of the Google matrix of English Wikipedia hyperlink network during years 2003?2011. The statistical properties of ranking of Wikipedia articles via PageRank and CheiRank probabilities, as well as the matrix spectrum, are shown to be stabilized for 2007?2011. A special emphasis is done on ranking of Wikipedia personalities and universities. We show that PageRank selection is dominated by politicians while 2DRank, which combines PageRank and CheiRank, gives more accent on personalities of arts. The Wikipedia PageRank of universities recovers 80\% of top universities of Shanghai ranking during the considered time period. }, url = {http://eprints.imtlucca.it/2389/} }