%I Elsevier %X In this work we introduce a neural network model for associative memory based on a diluted Hopfield model, which grows through a neurogenesis algorithm that guarantees that the final network is a small-world and scale-free one. We also analyze the storage capacity of the network and prove that its performance is larger than that measured in a randomly dilute network with the same connectivity. %P 71 - 75 %T A scale-free neural network for modelling neurogenesis %K Neural networks; Scale-free networks; Strong dilution %O LAWNP 2005: IX Latin American Workshop on Nonlinear Phenomena %J Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications %R 10.1016/j.physa.2006.04.079 %D 2006 %V 371 %A Juan I. Perotti %A Francisco A. Tamarit %A Sergio A. Cannas %N 1 %L eprints2396