@article{eprints2419, volume = {30}, year = {2011}, pages = {1--7}, title = {Un viaggio in Abruzzo di Adolfo e Lionello Venturi}, author = {Emanuele Pellegrini}, journal = {Predella}, number = {dic}, url = {http://eprints.imtlucca.it/2419/}, abstract = {Both Adolfo Venturi and his son Lionello made a great use of sketchbooks during their travels in Italy, Europe and America, in order to record artworks preserved in the museums and private collections that they visited. A series of 15 sketchbooks of the same dimension and form is splitted between the Venturi archives in Rome and Pisa. Even if many papers are missing, the 15 sketchbooks record a long travel made together by Adolfo and Lionello, from Italy to Europe (Germany, France), probably written around 1904-1905. The handwriting of Adolfo and Lionello is recognizable in all the units: some of them are written by Adolfo, some others by Lionello and some others by both father and son. Two of them are dedicated to Abruzzo, one preserved in Pisa and one in Rome, in origin probably belonging to the same unit, before being dismembered. This article discusses the Venturi's travel to Abruzzo, its possible datation, and publishes the whole part preserved in Rome, completely dedicated to Tagliacozzo and written by Lionello Venturi alone. Thus, it would be possible to add new material to check the differences and similarities in artwork descriptions between the young Lionello and his father Adolfo, so to say the old and the new generation of art historians.} }