@unpublished{eprints2430, month = {May}, title = {Data-driven LPV modeling of continuous pulp digesters}, publisher = {University of Technology, Eindhoven}, type = {Technical Report}, year = {2013}, institution = {University of Technology, Eindhoven}, author = {Dario Piga and Roland T{\'o}th}, url = {http://eprints.imtlucca.it/2430/}, abstract = {In this technical report, the LPV-IO identification techniques described in Kauven et al. [2013] (Chapter 5) are applied in order to estimate an LPV model of a continuous pulp digester. The pulp digester simulator (described in Mod{\'e}n [2011]) has been provided by ABB for benchmark studies as part of its participation in the EU project Autoprofit}, keywords = {TUE-CS-2013-002} }