@article{eprints2553, year = {2014}, volume = {1}, author = {Alessandro Bessi and Antonio Scala and Luc Rossi and Qian Zhang and Walter Quattrociocchi}, title = {The economy of attention in the age of (mis)information}, month = {December}, journal = {Journal of Trust Management}, pages = {1--13}, number = {12}, publisher = {Springer}, url = {http://eprints.imtlucca.it/2553/}, abstract = {In this work we present a thorough quantitative analysis of information consumption patterns of qualitatively different information on Facebook. Pages are categorized, according to their topics and the communities of interests they pertain to, in a) alternative information sources (diffusing topics that are neglected by science and main stream media); b) online political activism; and c) main stream media. We find similar information consumption patterns despite the very different nature of contents. Then, we classify users according to their interaction patterns among the different topics and measure how they responded to the injection of 2788 false information (parodistic imitations of alternative stories). We find that users prominently interacting with alternative information sources ? i.e. more exposed to unsubstantiated claims ? are more prone to interact with intentional and parodistic false claims}, keywords = {Misinformation; Attention patterns; Rumor spreading} }