%X In this paper we develop a methodology to analyze and compare multiple global networks, focusing our analysis on the relation between human migration and trade. First, we identify the subset of products for which the presence of a community of migrants significantly increases trade intensity, where to assure comparability across networks we apply a hypergeometric filter that lets us identify those links which intensity is significantly higher than expected. Next, proposing a new way to define country neighbors based on the most intense links in the trade network, we use spatial econometrics techniques to measure the effect of migration on international trade, while controlling for network interdependences. Overall, we find that migration significantly boosts trade across countries and we are able to identify product categories for which this effect is particularly strong. %P 245-260 %R 10.1016/j.physa.2014.09.037 %N 1 %J Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications %I Elsevier %V 417 %O Available online 22 September 2014 %D 2015 %T The relation between global migration and trade networks %A Paolo Sgrignoli %A Rodolfo Metulini %A Stefano Schiavo %A Massimo Riccaboni %L eprints2691 %K Trade, Migration, Networks, Gravity models, Spatial econometrics