@article{eprints2711, author = {Yesim Tonga Uriarte}, year = {2016}, volume = {22}, title = {Developing sustainable cultural policies in Turkey: an investigation of public opinion on the theatre scene}, note = {Published online 27 Jan 2015}, number = {3}, publisher = {Taylor and Francis}, journal = {International Journal of Cultural Policy}, pages = {376--402}, keywords = {Cultural Policy; Arts management; Public opinion; State theatre; Turkey}, abstract = {The arts scene in Turkey has been witnessing many discussions with the revealing of the governmental reform agenda on the state support model for the arts that includes establishment of an arts council type institution, the closure of the State Theatres and, the State Opera and Ballet. Nevertheless, despite strong public criticism on this reform agenda, there has never been any comprehensive research to reflect the public opinion. Therefore, this study aims to contribute to recent discussions by providing data on public opinion regarding such a fundamental change, with a particular focus on theatre. Towards this end, a survey was conducted in Istanbul. The findings demonstrate that the majority, including both users and non-users of theatre, value the State Theatres and are in favour of sustaining it. There is also a common belief that in case of the State Theatres? closure, the private theatres cannot undertake its public mission.}, url = {http://eprints.imtlucca.it/2711/} }