@incollection{eprints275, editor = {Susanne Albers and Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela and Yossi Matias and Sotiris E. Nikoletseas and Wolfgang Thomas}, pages = {435--446}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, note = {The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com}, publisher = {Springer}, author = {Rocco De Nicola and Diego Latella and Michele Loreti and Mieke Massink}, booktitle = {Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP (2) 2009)}, title = {Rate-Based Transition Systems for Stochastic Process Calculi}, year = {2009}, volume = {5556}, abstract = {A variant of Rate Transition Systems (RTS), proposed by Klin and Sassone, is introduced and used as the basic model for defining stochastic behaviour of processes. The transition relation used in our variant associates to each process, for each action, the set of possible futures paired with a measure indicating their rates. We show how RTS can be used for providing the operational semantics of stochastic extensions of classical formalisms, namely CSP and CCS. We also show that our semantics for stochastic CCS guarantees associativity of parallel composition. Similarly, in contrast with the original definition by Priami, we argue that a semantics for stochastic {\ensuremath{\pi}}-calculus can be provided that guarantees associativity of parallel composition. }, url = {http://eprints.imtlucca.it/275/} }