@incollection{eprints2789, pages = {447--461}, year = {2015}, booktitle = {The ecology of culture: community engagement, co-creation, cross fertilization}, title = {The city as a wideaspread archive: a hidden treasure}, author = {Gemma Torre}, publisher = {ENCATC}, address = {Brussels}, month = {October}, url = {http://eprints.imtlucca.it/2789/}, abstract = {A city could be defined as a widespread archive in which it is possible to find and discover everywhere a documentary fond of noteworthy historical relevance. The aim of the work is to support the Public Administration acknowledging the potentiality of identifying and mapping a variable situation with several archival creators and conservation centres. These data are enabling to build a plan for management and preservation of cultural heritage in a territory. The study explains how it is possible to discover new archives thanks to the application of census method, which deeply identifies not only producers but also the records production. This will be demonstrated through a case study: the census of business archives performed in Genoa that has involved more than one hundred historical enterprises and cultural institutions. Finally, it is proposed a digital framework where different archival sites are pinpointed with geographical localization and linked to their information sheets.} }