@inproceedings{eprints2815, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th ECOS 2012 International Conference, Perugia, Italy, June 26th to June 29th, 2012}, pages = {72--89}, year = {2012}, publisher = {Firenze University press}, title = {Complex Networks Approach to the Italian Photovoltaic Energy Distribution System}, author = {Luca Valori and Giovanni Luca Giannuzzi and Tiziano Squartini and Diego Garlaschelli and Riccardo Basosi}, url = {http://eprints.imtlucca.it/2815/}, abstract = {One problem in the study of the Italian electric energy supply scenario is determining the ability of photovoltaic production to provide a constant and stable energy background over space and time. Knowing how the photovoltaic energy produced in a given node diffuses on the power grid is of crucial importance. A smart grid able to face peaks of load must be designed. Approached here from a complex systems point of view, the network of energy supply might be represented by a graph in which nodes are Italian municipalities and edges cross the administrative boundaries from a municipality to its first neighbours. Using datasets from ISTAT, GSE and ENEA, the node production and attraction of photovoltaic energy have been estimated with high accuracy. The attraction index was built using demographic data, in accordance with medium per capita energy consumption data. Moreover, the energy produced in each node could be determined using data on the installed photovoltaic power and on local solar radiation. The available energy on each node was calculated by running a distributive model assuming that the energy produced in one node which diffuses to its first neighbours is proportional to the attraction index of the latter. Therefore the available energy at each node is the sum of many contributions, coming from topological paths involving all the other nodes across the network. The availability of cross temporal data on the photovoltaic power installed on the Italian territory also make it possible to understand the evolution of the available photovoltaic energy landscape over time.} }