%K Aggressiveness, Psychopathy, Neuroimaging, Behavioral Genetics, Free-Will %T The anti-social brain: Novel insights from neuroscience and molecular biology %L eprints2872 %A Giuseppina Rota %A Silvia Pellegrini %A Pietro Pietrini %D 2014 %I Il Mulino %J Politica & Società %P 201-220 %R 10.4476/77100 %N 2 %X Human beings are social animals. Life in society requires individuals to modulate their behavior accordingly to the norms that rule social contexts. Despite being generally sanctioned, violence remains a major issue worldwide. Advances in neuroscience and molecular biology are shedding new light on the biological mechanisms that underlie poor inhibitory control in impulsive aggression and the lack of empathy and emotional resonance in predatory violence. The increase in neuroscientific knowledge on the biological underpinnings of impulse control, moral judgment and social behavior may contribute to a wider understanding of the notion of free-will and responsibility. Here, we briefly discuss novel findings on the neurobiological correlates of aggressive and antisocial behavior and their potential ethical, forensic and political implications.