%K Network motifs, Simulation and modeling, Economics, Economic growth %T From Innovation to Diversification: A Simple Competitive Model %P e0140420 %X

Few attempts have been proposed in order to describe the statistical features and historical evolution of the export bipartite matrix countries/products. An important standpoint is the introduction of a products network, namely a hierarchical forest of products that models the formation and the evolution of commodities. In the present article, we propose a simple dynamical model where countries compete with each other to acquire the ability to produce and export new products. Countries will have two possibilities to expand their export: innovating, i.e. introducing new goods, namely new nodes in the product networks, or copying the productive process of others, i.e. occupying a node already present in the same network. In this way, the topology of the products network and the country-product matrix evolve simultaneously, driven by the countries push toward innovation.

%I Public Library of Science %N 11 %L eprints2902 %A Fabio Saracco %A Riccardo Di Clemente %A Andrea Gabrielli %A Luciano Pietronero %V 10 %D 2015 %R 10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0140420 %J PloS One