@inproceedings{eprints2974, booktitle = {Capital A}, title = {Contemporary (re)appropriations of anti-fascist heritage in Croatia: Rijeka as a case-study}, pages = {144--157}, year = {2015}, author = {Mateja Sincic}, publisher = {Balkan architectural biennale 2015}, url = {http://eprints.imtlucca.it/2974/}, abstract = {The year 2015 marked the 70th anniversary of victory over fascism but still the relationship towards anti-fascist heritage in Croatia remains a highly debated subject. During the violent disintegration of socialist Yugoslavia, the destruction of anti-fascist heritage in Croatia was used as yet another tool of warfare. From around six thousand anti-fascist monuments and memorials, more than half were destroyed either through administrative removals or direct military targeting (Pavlakovi{\'c} 2014). Heritage that ?survived?, not fitting the newly-created nationalistic ideology, has been systemically marginalized and gradually erased from the official memory discourse. Moreover, anti-fascism was progressively identified with the post-war communist regime and thus criminalized by the dominant memory entrepreneurs. Nevertheless, in the past few years, such selective articulations of collective memory have been challenged by several bottom-up artistic initiatives re-evaluating the cultural legacy of the Yugoslav anti-fascist struggle. The present paper wants to focus on the specific case-study of the city of Rijeka, traditionally recognized as the ?red city?, and bring forward several examples which,through different artistic interactions with antifascist heritage, interrogate contemporary hegemonic politics of spatiality. More broadly, the paper aims at questioning the necessity of the relationship towards anti-fascist values and the extent to which antifascist heritage still belongs to the domain of the collective.} }