%I Applied Probability Trust %X An urn contains black and red balls. Let Zn be the proportion of black balls at time n and 0?LL, then bn is replaced together with a random number Rn of red balls. Otherwise, no additional balls are added, and bn alone is replaced. In this paper we assume that Rn=Bn. Then, under mild conditions, it is shown that Zn?a.s.Z for some random variable Z, and Dn??n(Zn-Z)? %P 1206-1220 %T Asymptotics for randomly reinforced urns with random barriers %K Bayesian nonparametrics ? Central limit theorem ? Clinical trial ? Random probability measure ? Stable convergence ? Urn model . %V 53 %A Patrizia Berti %A Irene Crimaldi %A Luca Pratelli %A Pietro Rigo %L eprints3113 %N 4 %J Journal of applied probability %R 10.1017/jpr.2016.75 %D 2016