%A Andrea Bacigalupo %A Marco Lepidi %A Giorgio Gnecco %A Luigi Gambarotta %L eprints3120 %I arXiv %X A parametric beam lattice model is formulated to analyse the propagation properties of elastic in-plane waves in an auxetic material based on a hexachiral topology of the periodic cell, equipped with inertial local resonators. The Floquet-Bloch boundary conditions are imposed on a reduced order linear model in the only dynamically active degrees-offreedom. Since the resonators can be designed to open and shift band gaps, an optimal design, focused on the largest possible gap in the low-frequency range, is achieved by solving a maximization problem in the bounded space of the significant geometrical and mechanical parameters. A local optimized solution, for a the lowest pair of consecutive dispersion curves, is found by employing the globally convergent version of the Method of Moving asymptotes, combined with Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo multi-start techniques. %T Optimal design of auxetic hexachiral metamaterials with local resonators %D 2015