%0 Conference Paper %A Cello, Marco %A Gnecco, Giorgio %A Marchese, Mario %A Sanguineti, Marcello %B 44th Conference of Italian Operational Research Society (AIRO 2014) %C Como, Italy %D 2014 %F eprints:3134 %K Intermittently-connected networks; Store-and-forward mechanism; IP networks; Markov chains. %P 102 %T Average Packet Delivery Delay in Intermittently-Connected Networks %U http://eprints.imtlucca.it/3134/ %X Delay/Disruption-Tolerant Networking (DTN) is addressed. It is a communication paradigm that enables the communication over Intermittently-Connected Networks (ICNs), which are characterized by unpredictable or scheduled contacts among nodes, high latency, and high bit error rates. DTN exploits storeand-forward techniques in order to cope with intermittent link issues. A model is proposed, to compute the average packet delivery delay in ICNs. We assume that the inter-meeting time as well as the contact time between any two nodes is an exponentially-distributed random-variable. As a consequence, the behavior of the communication between each pair of nodes can be modeled by a two-state Continuous-Time Markov Chain (CTMC). It is assumed that the packet generation process at the source node follows a Poisson process, so in the analysis one can exploit the Poisson Arrivals See Time Averages (PASTA) property. Both the IP-like paradigm used by traditional TCP/IP protocols and DTN are considered. Numerical results and simulations are presented.