%E Antonio Corradi %E Andrea Omicini %E Agostino Poggi %B WOA 2000 -- Dagli oggetti agli agenti: tendenze evolutive dei sistemi software %P 1-6 %T Mobile Applications in X-KLAIM %I Pitagora Editrice Bologna %X Networking has turned computers from isolated data processors into powerful communication and elaboration devices, called global computers; an illustrative example is the World?Wide Web. Global computers are rapidly evolving towards programmability. The new scenario has called for new programming languages and paradigms centered around the notions of mobility and location awareness. In this paper, we briefly present X-KLAIM, an experimental programming language for global computers, and show a few programming examples. %A Lorenzo Bettini %A Rocco De Nicola %A GianLuigi Ferrari %A Rosario Pugliese %L eprints336 %V 1195 %S Atti di Congressi %D 2000 %C Parma