%A Pietro Pietrini %A Maura L. Furey %A Emiliano Ricciardi %A Maria Ida Gobbini %A W.-H. Carolyn Wu %A Leonardo Cohen %A Mario Guazzelli %A James V. Haxby %L eprints3380 %C Sendai, Japan %B Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain %T Neural Activity in Ventral Extrastriate Cortex during Tactile Discrimination of Faces and Other Objects in Congenitally Blind and Sighted Subjects %I Elsevier %O Published in "NeuroImage, Volume 16, Issue 2, Supplement 1, Pages i-lxviii, 37-2372 (2002) 8th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain Sendai, Japan 2?6 June 2002" %D 2002