%I Springer %X In this paper we present a novel method to reconstruct global topological properties of a complex network starting from limited information. We assume to know for all the nodes a non-topological quantity that we interpret as fitness. In contrast, we assume to know the degree, i.e. the number of connections, only for a subset of the nodes in the network. We then use a fitness model, calibrated on the subset of nodes for which degrees are known, in order to generate ensembles of networks. Here, we focus on topological properties that are relevant for processes of contagion and distress propagation in networks, i.e. network density and k-core structure, and %P 720-734 %T Bootstrapping Topological Properties and Systemic Risk of Complex Networks Using the Fitness Model %K Complex networks; Financial systems %J Journal of Statistical Physics %R 10.1007/s10955-013-0720-1 %D 2013 %V 151 %A Nicol? Musmeci %A Stefano Battiston %A Guido Caldarelli %A Michelangelo Puliga %A Andrea Gabrielli %L eprints3392 %N 3