%P 349-383 %T On Four Partial Ordering Semantics for a Process Calculus %X Three of the rewriting systems used by Degano, De Nicola and Montanari to provide Milner's CCS with a causality based semantics are compared by using also a fourth intermediate one. These rewriting systems have been used to associate Petri nets, Labelled Event Structures and structured sets of partial orderings to CCS terms. It is proved that the four rewriting systems yield computations from which the same causality relations among the executed actions can be extracted, thus it is established that the four partial ordering transitional semantics do coincide. %A Flavio Corradini %A Rocco De Nicola %N 4 %L eprints360 %V 27 %R 10.3233/FI-1996-27402 %D 1996 %J Fundamenta Informaticae