%I Open Publishing Association %X This volume contains the proceedings of ICE 2015, the 8th Interaction and Concurrency Experience, which was held in Grenoble, France on the 4th and 5th of June 2015 as a satellite event of DisCoTec 2015. The ICE procedure for paper selection allows PC members to interact, anonymously, with authors. During the review phase, each submitted paper is published on a discussion forum with access restricted to the authors and to all the PC members not declaring a conflict of interest. The PC members post comments and questions to which the authors reply. Each paper was reviewed by three PC members, and altogether 9 papers, including 1 short paper, were accepted for publication (the workshop also featured 4 brief announcements which are not part of this volume). We were proud to host three invited talks, by Leslie Lamport (shared with the FRIDA workshop), Joseph Sifakis and Steve Ross-Talbot. The abstracts of the last two talks are included in this volume together with the regular papers. %T (edited by) Proceedings 8th Interaction and Concurrency Experience, ICE 2015, Grenoble, France, 4-5th June 2015 %V 189 %A Sophia Knight %A Ivan Lanese %A Alberto Lluch Lafuente %A Hugo Torres Vieira %L eprints3691 %J Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science %D 2015