%I IEEE %X This paper describes the comparison between two drug control strategies to hemophilia A. To emulate blood clotting and the pathological condition of hemophilia, a mathematical model composed by 14 ordinary differential equations is considered. We adopt a variable structure non-linear PID approach and a Model Predictive Control in order to control the dosage of procoagulant factor used in the treatment of hemophiliac patient. The two control actions are sampled for a practical application. Finally, we discuss and compare the results of the two control approaches, introducing a suited control index (eINR). %T Procoagulant control strategies for the human blood clotting process %P 4439-4442 %B 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) %R doi:10.1109/EMBC.2015.7319380 %D 2015 %C Milan, Italy %A Marco Laurino %A Tommaso Menara %A Alessandro Stella %A Monica Betta %A Alberto Landi %L eprints3771