@article{eprints3886, title = {Single-valuedness of the demand correspondence and strict convexity of preferences: An equivalence result}, journal = {Economics Letters}, year = {2010}, volume = {108}, author = {Ennio Bilancini and Leonardo Boncinelli}, number = {3}, publisher = {Elsevier}, pages = {299--302}, url = {http://eprints.imtlucca.it/3886/}, abstract = {If preferences are rational and continuous, then strict convexity implies that the demand correspondence is single-valued (e.g. Barten and B{\"o}hm, 1982, lemma 7.3). We show that if, in addition, preferences are strictly monotone then the converse is also true, namely single-valuedness of the demand correspondence implies strict convexity of preferences.}, keywords = {Strict convexity; Strict monotonicity; Demand correspondence; Single-valuedness; Demand function} }