%X If preferences are rational and continuous, then strict convexity implies that the demand correspondence is single-valued (e.g. Barten and Böhm, 1982, lemma 7.3). We show that if, in addition, preferences are strictly monotone then the converse is also true, namely single-valuedness of the demand correspondence implies strict convexity of preferences. %J Economics Letters %P 299-302 %A Ennio Bilancini %A Leonardo Boncinelli %K Strict convexity; Strict monotonicity; Demand correspondence; Single-valuedness; Demand function %D 2010 %L eprints3886 %I Elsevier %T Single-valuedness of the demand correspondence and strict convexity of preferences: An equivalence result %V 108 %R doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2010.05.025 %N 3