%K Obituary; Heritage; Law; Public Administration; Museums. %T Trasformazioni dello Stato e riforme nel settore dei beni culturali %P 395-400 %X The article moves from Paolo Leon's works in order to illustrate the features and objectives of the 2014 reform of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism. It is focused on three issues: the establishment of state museums, the reform of Ministry's field offices (soprintendenze), and the investment in human resources. These reformative actions give evidence of the high significance and modernity of Paolo Leon's scientific and cultural legacy. %I Societ? editrice il Mulino %N 3 %L eprints3905 %A Lorenzo Casini %D 2017 %R DOI: 10.1446/88757 %J Economia della Cultura. Rivista trimestrale dell'Associazione per l'Economia della Cultura