%A Robin Verschueren %A Mario Zanon %A Rien Quirynen %A Moritz Diehl %L eprints4007 %R doi:10.1109/ECC.2016.7810277 %D 2016 %C Aalborg, Denmark %B 2016 European Control Conference (ECC) %I IEEE %X This work presents an embedded nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) strategy for autonomous vehicles under a minimum time objective. The time-optimal control problem is stated in a path-parametric formulation such that existing reliable numerical methods for real-time nonlinear MPC can be used. Building on previous work on timeoptimal driving, we present an approach based on a sequential quadratic programming type algorithm with online propagation of second order derivatives. As an illustration of our method, we provide closed-loop simulation results based on a vehicle model identified for small-scale electric race cars. %P 141-147 %T Time-optimal race car driving using an online exact hessian based nonlinear MPC algorithm