%A Luca Cesari %A Alessandro Lapadula %A Rosario Pugliese %A Francesco Tiezzi %L eprints404 %R 10.1145/1774088.1774594 %S SAC '10 %D 2010 %O ACM id: 1774594 %E Sung Y. Shin %E Sascha Ossowski %E Michael Schumacher %E Mathew J. Palakal %E Cheng Hung %B Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing %P 2438-2442 %T A tool for rapid development of WS-BPEL applications %K compilers, service-oriented architectures, web services %I ACM %X We present BliteC, a software tool we have developed for supporting a rapid and easy development of WS-BPEL applications. BliteC translates service orchestrations written in Blite, a formal language inspired to but simpler than WS-BPEL, into executable WS-BPEL programs. We illustrate our approach by means of an example borrowed from the official specification of WS-BPEL.